Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Obesity in the form of Apple as damaging for the heart as other obesity

An international study of 220,000 people challenged the idea that obese people who have a "form of Apple" (fat deposits in the body) are at an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes than people who are obese with other types of fat distribution.

These are the conclusions of an article published online in the first place and in the journal The Lancet, with the collaboration of new risk factors, a consortium of 200 scientists from 17 countries, of the University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom.

Some earlier studies reported that obese people "central" (as it is being evaluated by the relationship between size-hip circumference or size "proportion at the hip") were 3 times greater risk of heart attack among the General obese (as assessed by body mass index (BMI) or the weight divided by height squared). However, these previous studies had design of important limitations.

This study included over 220,000 adults, each supervised for nearly a decade, including more than 14,000 had developed a heart attack or stroke in the watch. Researchers have confirmed that obesity is a determinant of cardiovascular disease, but that BMI (BMI), waist, and hip size ratio each has had a similar impact on the risk of further heart attack and stroke.

A finding of this study is that BMI, the circumference of the size and size-hip ratio, if assessed individually or in combination, do not improve risk prediction of cardiovascular disease among people in developed countries where additional information is available for the pressure blood systoliquehistoire of diabetes and lipid.

This result highlights the value of the blood pressure of continuous GPs and blood cholesterol. The conclusions should also help medical practitioners a practical guide in the world because the national and international guidelines have provided different recommendations about the value of clinical measures of obesity for the prediction of the risk of cardiovascular disease in primary prevention.

The authors conclude: "if assessed individually or in combination, BMI, waist and hip size ratio do not improve the prediction of the first occurrence of cardiovascular disease when there is more information about the history of diabetes", the blood pressure and cholesterol measurements... "This finding is applicable to a wide range of circumstances and relevant clinical subgroups."

But they added: "the main conclusion of this study does not, of course, diminish the importance of modifiable cardiovascular disease as determining fat."

In a related commentary, Dr. Rachel R. Huxley and Dr. David r. Jacobs Jr., school of public health, University of Minnesota, conclude: "BMI used with good clinical judgment is not very appropriate for adults, because it is so strongly associated with a risk of chronic disease", but warned that it is linked to the height in children. Many adolescents with overweight or obesity, young adults and middle-aged with few risk factors for cardiovascular disease develop this risk relatively quickly, to what BMI should be used as a warning, both for themselves and for their general practitioners. "But the specific discrimination without current overweigh the risk factors for cardiovascular disease will go to develop these risk factors and cardiovascular diseases clinical end, remains a challenge - here, the blood tests are always useful".

(Source: University of Cambridge: the Lancet)
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