Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why am I not losing weight quickly enough?

People who want to lose weight almost always want to throw it off the coast at all as quickly as possible with little or no effort. And why not? With all fads of diet swearing that you look like weight as a drop of a hat, exercise gadgets that promise to work your whole body and supplements that are committed to melt fat with a pill, the public is misled into thinking that they can easily transform their bodies in the shortest time.

Even if you did its evidence - and tested food and the modification of the exercise to shed off weight, you may be frustrated at your progress and ask what you poorly did with your routine. Here are the main reasons why you are not losing weight quickly enough.

1. You are not exercising enough
Seeing you may not get  results as fast as you want because you do not do enough cardio, or there may not be enough weights.

To change the shape of your body, you must establish a balance between the cardio exercises that do you and force difficult training sessions.

2. You are eating too much
You lose weight when you burn more calories that you eat. Even if you do a rigorous exercise routine, if you eat pork with meals, you only earn back the calories that you lost in the fiscal year.

If you are seriously to abandon the extra weight, you should practice control of the party and keep track of all the foods you eat with a food log.

3. You are incompatible with your fitness plan
When treat you your diet and exercise as something empirical, when you give in to temptation easily and when you slack off more than you persevere, that can be the reason why your'e not losing  weight fast enough.

For your diet and exercise to take effect on your body, you have to do it on a regular basis, not when you only want to. In any event, once your body adjusts to the healthier way of life, that you are providing it, it won't be that difficult to do more.

4. You lack sleep
It is true, you build muscles at rest. Therefore, when you don't get eight to ten hours of sleep that you should get every day, it affects the metabolism of your body and makes it slow, just enough so that you notice you don't get any slimmer. Studies have also revealed that being deprived of sleep affects cortisol, hormone that  controls appetite.

5. You're stressed
When you are constantly weary of contact and insisting on something, it is the perfect opportunity for weight gain.  Although you may not be aware of it, undergoing stress increases cortisol production, increases your appetite and optimizes the storage of fat around your abdominal area, which is one of the hardest to lose weight of.

Being stressed also makes it more difficult for you to eat healthily, because you are too tired or tense for a good meal. Being stressed also makes it easier for you to reach for unhealthy food, such as junk food, which is easily available. Stress makes you fat, period.

6. You go to sea rewarding yourself
If you do without cheating your diet for a week. Then at the weekend, you give yourself a treat, but you are going to overboard, engage in unhealthy food as if theres no tomorrow. Well, it was your window of weight gain.

Having  from time to time treats is fine, it eliminates the sense of deprivation of food and assistance so that you stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goal, but eat yourself silly on weekends may lead  poorly your weight loss success. The thing to do is to plan your indulgences so that you can have your treats while adhering to your weight loss goals.
The Skinny:

It is always good to give your body enough time to see the results, do not forget that the safe way to rapid weight loss only calls for a book of 1-2 down in the weight of each week. If you happen to be faced with one of the six reasons listed above, it is time that you reevaluate your weight loss plan for you to achieve significant changes you want.
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