Sunday, March 20, 2011

What is the problem with gaining too much weight?

We talk about weight loss all the time, why not talk about weight loss instead of gain?  In addition, as we know weight may be a major trend, but do people who have increased the weight really mind? Many Americans never even made the penalty effort on weight loss. Why is this? Is to take any product weight?

Actually body fat is good for everyone, its main purpose is to protect internal organs, it helps to thermally isolate germs, and it can soften a physical external shock. Good fats are needed by the body as well to promote energy and also offer protection and vitamins with it. With regard to obesity, it is quite different. Obesity can lead to greater health risks and should be treated as a disease which has need for attention and treatment.

Obesity is a disease in which excess fat in the body have accumulated above the average and this changes the appearance of the body and can create adverse effects on health. Obese BMI is usually about 30 kg/m2, once you get more high you  are already obese and at risk for health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties, osteoarthritis, and even cancer. Most people usually  blame genes and other conditions such as endocrine problems for their weight, but the fact is that it is usually caused by a combination of: too much calories,  stagnant or lack of physical ability and a bit of inheritance. Also conditions such as slow metabolism may also play a big role. People with a slow metabolism eat less, but they gain weight more, although they spend more energy in simply maintaining an increase in body mass.

Even if you think about it, obesity is perhaps not so bad. What is important, it is to have regular reviews and make sure that you are ready to take steps to reverse such a condition.  Most of the people who have major problems with obesity may be discouraged to actually begin and lose weight. Many factors may be underlined, but the most common are: lack of faith and a negative mind set. But as anyone who aspires to lose weight, all have equal opportunities. Here are some simple tips that can help you jump start your weight loss journey.

Because too much weight can cause strain on core muscles and bones, you can start with small bright walks that are performed intermittently with periods of rest. 10 minutes is quite good and do from time to time to achieve a total of 30 minutes (or more). The problem with people with these questions, is that they use standing activities, as sitting in front of a computer or stay at home TV all the time. It is preferable to be more active and enjoy the Sun. You can play sports outdoors with friends, hang out and generally nothing keeps  you from moving.

Small diet changes may be necessary for the moment, a quick reminder is that you should never use any method of rapid weight loss when your BMI is 30 and above.
Go to meals, small but frequent and add some fibre from fruits and vegetables. Try to minimize fast food products, processed foods and other foods with too much salt and sugar. Water is the best drink and no other. It is on this subject.

In total, it is good to increase your weight only when you really need (growth, due to illness) and if you train your body. But do it so that too much weight is always bad, like all things, too many and too less than everything that is wrong.

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