Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What is prohibited to eat when you try to lose weight quickly

Therefore, you are in a diet, you eat right, you work regularly. But why do not you see results? Take another look at your plan to eat. Are you sure that eat the right type of food to lose weight. But maybe you're eating the wrong kind of food as well.

we will discuss the foods that you thought wil put you in good health, but not really. Don't let not these so-called health food ruin your diet for you.

1 Bottled fruit juices

Most of these single-serve bottled juice contain high amounts of sugar with very little real juice. Usually these supermarkets introduced juice with added amounts of fructose, which may lead to obesity and high cholesterol in the blood.

2. Granola bars

Oh Yes, granola bars have healthy nuts and oats in them, but what glues them together is actually corn syrup, which is loaded with sugar and quite fattening.

3 Salads

Fruits and vegetables in the salad is healthy, but restaurant prepared salads pack huge amounts of calories. Also, salads are often overcome with the unhealthiest of all foods: Croutons, bacon, fried chicken and cheese feeding and dressing bit.

4 Cereals

Your breakfast cereal favorites contains large quantities of sugar and sodium. When you choose cereal, opt for those which have healthy and nutritious labels or weight loss.

5. Canned foods

To preserve their quality and their flavor, preserves are often loaded with sodium, sugar and trans fat and bad fat.

6 Soda diet

Yes, even diet soda is full of empty calories and artificial sweeteners that not only destroy the beautiful enamel of your teeth but also ruin your weight loss success. Discover the dangers of soda diet for more information on this subject.

The Skinny:

This are just some of unhealthy foods masquerading around your pantry as deals for healthy eating. It is fairly easy to spot labels for nutrition away with promises of "fat 0" or "low fat". Now it has become more important, especially if you want to lose weight quickly, that you check the small print of each grocery item you buy. When eliminating these foods in your list, you also expose the use of companies misleading tricks that have cause you suck to lose weight for so long.

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