Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some obese adolescents may be at risk of weakness of bones

Teens who are overweight since then who faced risk factors such as insulin resistance must add weak bones to their list of health concerns, researchers report.

A study of 18 overweight 143 showed that risk factors as the precursor to diabetes and low levels of cholesterol HDL blood vessel protection have less bone mass - an indicator of the strength of the bone - than their peers in health overweight but otherwise, according to researchers at the Institute for the prevention of health, the Georgia of the University of Georgia Sciences.

Other risk factors include high levels of fats in the blood, the higher blood pressure and a larger size, said Dr. Norman Pollock, biologist of the bone GHSU and author of the study published in the journal of Pediatrics. In fact, total body fat does not appear to affect bone mass: visceral fat half or fat era, which seems to increase the risk of bad bones as it makes the risk of diabetes and heart disease likely.

"Risk factors over a lower bone mass that is" Pollock said, noting that 62% of obese adolescents has at least one risk factor. It also indicates that the concept of "fit and fat" may apply to the bones.

Participants in the study without one or more of these risk factors tend to get a little more vigorous physical activity, even if none of the participants received the recommended 60-plus minutes of daily physical activity, said Pollock. Curiously, the caloric intake for all participants of the study was of the optimal interval.

"This says to the children and their parents that the restriction of caloric intake is not the answer;" "We have to focus more on the growth of vigorous physical activity," said Pollock. "Vigorous is defined as activity that increases the heart rate high enough to cause heavy breathing, such as race, tennis and crazy stuff . Studies have shown that physical activity has asked bones to release a hormone called Osteocalcin, which helps to reduce risk factors associated with fat such as insulin resistance.

"We start now to comply with the endocrine organ, as we do now with fat and muscles," said Pollock. The activity also increases the number of producers of bone cells, called osteoblasts.

The study appears to be first relations analysis of fat from the youth and bone cardiometabolic risk factors. For example, animal studies have shown that hypertensive mice have weaker bones.

The scientific literature on the impact of fat on the health of bones in children and adolescents has been confusing and even contradictory, writes Heidi Dr. j. Kalkwarf, General and Community Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati Pediatrics children in an editorial accompanying in the journal of Pediatrics. Search for added Pollock "extra turn" that indicates the presence of cardiometabolic risk factors of less mass, wrote.

The new study also raises the issues that are more clinical, as if weight loss will help children to improve bone of reduced mass, and if the mass during adolescence is reflected in the risk of fracture increases in adulthood, additional research is needed to assess the consequences in the long term.

Peak bone mass is generally achieved by the young adult, both conditions to reduce the accumulation of optimal bone probably will give rise to problems such as osteoporosis and fractures, researchers report.

(Source: University of Georgia Health Science: Journal of Pediatrics)
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